Donald Trump said Saturday that his true opponent in the general election is the media. Read More

Donald Trump said Saturday that his true opponent in the general election is the media.

“I’m not running against crooked Hillary, I’m running against the crooked media,” Trump said at a rally in Fairfield, Conn. “That’s what I’m running against, I’m not running against crooked Hillary.”

Trump has repeatedly lashed out at media that he calls “dishonest” over the course of his campaign.

Earlier Saturday, he bashed the New York Times after a report came out in which sources characterized Trump as “sullen” and struggling to recover in light of lagging poll numbers.

He renewed those attacks on the Times at the rally Saturday, saying he’s considering revoking their credentials to cover his rallies.

“I’ll tell you in particular lately we have a newspaper that’s failing badly, its losing a lot of money, its gonna be out of business very soon: the New York Times,” he said.

Trump blasted the use of anonymous sources in the Times report, saying “I don’t think they have any names.”

“They never call me,” he added. “It’s going to hell.”

“Maybe what we’ll do,” Trump continued, “we’ll start taking their press credentials away from them.”

Trump has revoked the press credentials of a number of media outlets including Politico, the Washington Post and the Huffington Post.

But The Washington Post, Trump said, has “been much nicer” recently and he may reinstate their credentials.

Trump also blasted CNN for criticizing him for calling President Obama “the founder of ISIS,” a comment that the mogul later said was sarcastic “but not that sarcastic.”

“CNN is so disgusting,” he said. “And by the way their ratings are going down big league, you know why? Because I refuse to be interviewed. And I get high ratings, what can I say?”

“These people are so dishonest,” he added.

Trump, frequently pointing to the press area, said that the would prefer to remove news cameras entirely.

“If it were up to me, I’d move those damn cameras the hell out and let the people see properly. I’d move them out,” he said.

At another point in the rally, Trump praised a New York Post article and its author, reading some parts aloud, that dealt with his development contributions to New York City.